INDIA, a developing country, with its immense 1.4bn population has provided JUSTICE to its 50% people i.e., its WOMEN!!!👩
The top court of India delivered a progressive & historic judgement at a CONTEXT when the Western world battles with conservative resurgence driven by religious principles. Countries like the USA, Poland, Hungary, Italy are facing rallies and protests demanding their BODILY AUTONOMY because of the regressive laws of their respective governments.
In INDIA, the Judiciary has performed its role to cater the right to all its women irrespective of the MARTIAL STATUS. It has also taken up the issues of MARTIAL RAPE which has a questionable status. On the other hand, the Government had recently amended the “Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act,1971” in 2021, thus increasing the gestation period for abortion to 20 to 24 weeks with the consultation of 1 doctor & 2 doctors respectively.
The ball is in the hands of the SOCIETY who shall be collectively responsible for the implementation of the laws and guidelines formulated. With the GENDER STEROTYPES still prevalent as in earlier times in some states like UP, Bihar, the road is still far ahead to reach its goal of a just society where men & women stand at par for the NATION DEVELOPMENT!!!🙌
“If you can’t explain something simple, you don’t understand it well enough” – Albert Einstein.
Howdy readers!!! With strong belief in the power of words, I look forward to help you choose the correct lens to perceive world issues and embrace positivity about the future!